Love the candy charcuterie trend and want to try it for yourself? Order a Sweet Candy Boards DIY kit!
We offer two kit options; with or without a tray. If you purchase “with tray” you will receive one of our signature Made in the USA acrylic trays to use for your candy assembly. If you purchase the “without tray” option you need to use a tray, plate or board of your own.
You will receive candy from our extensive selection of high quality gummy, chewy and sour candies. Candy will packaged in individual bags sorted by type (gummy, sour gummy and non-gummy) and color if applicable. Please plan on using the candy within 1 week to ensure freshness.
Please contact us to specify further color options if necessary. While we cannot guarantee a specific candy you’ve seen in our photos we will do our best to accommodate!
Photos show examples of 6x6x1 and a 10x10x1 boards. The 6” contains roughly 2 cups of candy TOTAL and the 10” contains roughly 4 cups TOTAL.
How you arrange the candy is up to you! Use our photos for reference but have fun with it!